12 research outputs found

    A Rationale for Multi-modality in Multimedia Instructional Design

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    This paper describes a multi-modal approach to multimedia instructional design in a virtual learning environment. The research was conducted within an online course offering multimedia and multi-modal lessons, each of which was comprised of three different types of resources, specifically designed for the acquisition of computer literacy skills. The resources vary from textual resources, pictorial resources accompanied by text and video resources. All the resources are designed by the course lecturers, i.e. the authors of this paper. The purpose of the research was to investigate user perceptual modalities in terms of their preference towards educational multimedia for the acquisition of computer literacy. The methodology of this research is based on data mining techniques through log data which represents user navigation and behavior within the learning management system. The approach fosters self-regulated technology enhanced learning where the end user has control over the choice of learning resources according to personal preferences. The results of cluster analysis show that there are consistent user preferences in selecting a particular type of resources representing particular modality. The results provide a rationale for a multi-modal approach in designing a learning system based on multimedia instructional design and developed specifically for the acquisition of computer literacy, as a requirement for information literacy of the 21st century

    Designing Educational Contents in and for the Electronic Environment

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    This paper is a preliminary report on the results of student projects developed within the elective course Computer Assisted Teaching in the Academic Year 2008-2009. The project goal was to create a purposeful opportunity for the students to directly participate in the educational system. By the help of information technology, the students developed educational materials in form of tutorials for usage in electronic educational environment. The tutorialsā€™ subject matter is various and it is presented in English and in the Croatian Language including all segments of multimedia: text, graphics, animation, sound, video and computer test. The tutorials are formed as standalone lectures independent of a lecturer's physical presence. They are applicable in distance learning and computer assisted teaching for all levels of education

    Recommendation for a World Virtual School Project

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    World Virtual School (WVS) is a project sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Schools. It has gathered eight representatives from eight major international school regions to form a WVS Advisory Group. The groupā€™s objective is to conduct research in virtual learning environments (VLE) of overseas schools, to analyze and present the results in order to offer a WVS structure plan. The goal is to increase the usage of VLE systems throughout the world to make this project global having in mind its relevancy, accessibility, durability and affordability. Therefore, we bring a possible WVS project outcome, recommending a shared global VLE

    Multimedia Resources in an Online Course: Access and Usage with Respect to Sensory Modality

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    U radu je prikazano istraživanje odnosa osjetilnog modaliteta i aktivnosti studenata s obzirom na odabir multimedijskih resursa e-kolegija. Sadržaj kolegija prezentiran je upotrebom lekcija izrađenih u sustavu za upravljanje nastavnim sadržajima Moodle. Lekcije sadrže tri tipa resursa: tekstualni, slikovno-tekstualni i video resurs. Upotrebom upitnika VARK utvrđeni su načini učenja utemeljeni na senzornom modalitetu (vizualni, auralni, tekstualni i kinestetički), zatim istraženi odnosi modaliteta studenata i aktivnosti s obzirom na odabir različitih multimedijskih resursa. Rezultati pokazuju da su dva od tri studenta multimodalni i da su u učenju skloni odabiru slikovno-tekstualnog resursa.In this paper we present a research on studentsā€™ perceptual modes and their learning activity with respect to use of multimedia learning resources in a virtual learning environment within an online course. The course content is offered in the form of lessons designed in the Moodle course management system. Lessons contain three different types of resources: textual, pictorial resources accompanied by text, and video resources. Considering the results of the VARK questionnaire, which labels the studentsā€™ learning styles, i.e. perceptual modes, as visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic, we investigate the relation between the studentsā€™ perceptual modes and their learning activity regarding different types of resources. The results show that two out of three students are multimodal regarding their perceptual modality, and that students prefer pictorial resources accompanied by text. The research findings on learnersā€™ preferences lead to more effective instructional design in an online learning environment

    Framework of the Language Learning Environment for Assisting Foreigners in Learning Croatian (AFILC)

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    The goal of this paper is to present the development framework of the interactive multimedia project AFILC (Assisting Foreigners in Learning Croatian). The purpose of the AFILC is to develop language learning materials that will motivate foreigners to learn the Croatian language and help them cope with its grammatical richness. Interesting graphics, motivating user-friendly interface, educational character and interactivity are the characteristics that will enhance the process of mastering the Croatian language for foreigners. In the AFILC the users will be able to almost completely control and manage the process of learning at their own pace

    Marvin ā€“ A Conversational Agent Based Interface for the Study of Information Sciences

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    In this paper we present initial results of the ongoing project, building a Conversational Agent (chatterbot) - Marvin. Marvin is designed to simulate intelligent conversation with students of Information Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. It is capable of providing basic feedback to students via textual methods. The primary goal of this work is to inform the user of points of interest, to provide support, capture data from the user and promote study of information sciences. Furthermore, the goal is to enhance the presentation of information to students, especially information regarding the undergraduate study, obligatory and elective courses, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points and exams. Finally, the objective is to teach the students how to improve the quality of user experience using human-like conversational agents

    Multimedijski resursi e-kolegija: pristup i upotreba s obzirom na osjetilni modalitet

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    In this paper we present a research on studentsā€™ perceptual modes and their learning activity with respect to use of multimedia learning resources in a virtual learning environment within an online course. The course content is offered in the form of lessons designed in the Moodle course management system. Lessons contain three different types of resources: textual, pictorial resources accompanied by text, and video resources. Considering the results of the VARK questionnaire, which labels the studentsā€™ learning styles, i.e. perceptual modes, as visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic, we investigate the relation between the studentsā€™ perceptual modes and their learning activity regarding different types of resources. The results show that two out of three students are multimodal regarding their perceptual modality, and that students prefer pictorial resources accompanied by text. The research findings on learnersā€™ preferences lead to more effective instructional design in an online learning environment.U radu je prikazano istraživanje odnosa osjetilnog modaliteta i aktivnosti studenata s obzirom na odabir multimedijskih resursa e-kolegija. Sadržaj kolegija prezentiran je upotrebom lekcija izrađenih u sustavu za upravljanje nastavnim sadržajima Moodle. Lekcije sadrže tri tipa resursa: tekstualni, slikovno-tekstualni i video resurs. Upotrebom upitnika VARK utvrđeni su načini učenja utemeljeni na senzornom modalitetu (vizualni, auralni, tekstualni i kinestetički), zatim istraženi odnosi modaliteta studenata i aktivnosti s obzirom na odabir različitih multimedijskih resursa. Rezultati pokazuju da su dva od tri studenta multimodalni i da su u učenju skloni odabiru slikovno-tekstualnog resursa

    Interactive Application for Learning the Latin Language

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    Computers in education are an integral part of the teaching process, but the use of them mostly depends on the competence and willingness of individual teachers, as well as the availability of adequate hardware and software. When it comes to learning a language, computer assisted language learning software mostly covers languages such as English, or German, while other, less popular languages still do not have a good software foundation. The interactive application for learning the Latin language is an example of software that seeks to facilitate students studying Latin within all grammar schools in Croatia. The Latin language, although very often called a dead language, is still a part of the culture in general, and important in fields such as medicine, law, agriculture, etc. Results obtained by our research confirm that students are willing to use such software and that the increase in student motivation and interest are proportional to the final test results

    Vodič za nastavnike mentore: Stručna studentska praksa u Ŕkolama

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    Ovaj je vodič rezultat suradnje skupine stručnjaka s Filozofskoga fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu koji su na temelju svojega dugogodiÅ”njega iskustva rada u obrazovanju budućih osnovnoÅ”kolskih i srednjoÅ”kolskih nastavnika prepoznali potrebu za njegovom izradom, s ciljem kontinuiranoga podizanja kvalitete studijskih programa koji uključuju nastavnu praksu. Vodič je nastao u sklopu projekta Učenje kroz rad i sustav upravljanja studentskim iskustvom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (2020. ā€“ 2023.) koji se financira iz Europskoga socijalnoga fonda. Namijenjen je svim mentorima nastavnicima, bez obzira na to koji nastavni predmet predaju. Cilj je vodiča afirmirati ulogu mentora koji rade sa studentima i koji su važna karika u obrazovanju nastavnikā. Naglasak je stavljen na opće vjeÅ”tine potrebne za mentoriranje, a ne na specifična znanja iz predmetnih metodika.Ovaj je vodič rezultat suradnje skupine stručnjaka s Filozofskoga fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu koji su na temelju svojega dugogodiÅ”njega iskustva rada u obrazovanju budućih osnovnoÅ”kolskih i srednjoÅ”kolskih nastavnika prepoznali potrebu za njegovom izradom, s ciljem kontinuiranoga podizanja kvalitete studijskih programa koji uključuju nastavnu praksu. Vodič je nastao u sklopu projekta Učenje kroz rad i sustav upravljanja studentskim iskustvom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (2020. ā€“ 2023.) koji se financira iz Europskoga socijalnoga fonda. Namijenjen je svim mentorima nastavnicima, bez obzira na to koji nastavni predmet predaju. Cilj je vodiča afirmirati ulogu mentora koji rade sa studentima i koji su važna karika u obrazovanju nastavnikā. Naglasak je stavljen na opće vjeÅ”tine potrebne za mentoriranje, a ne na specifična znanja iz predmetnih metodika

    Vodič za nastavnike mentore: Stručna studentska praksa u Ŕkolama

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    Ovaj je vodič rezultat suradnje skupine stručnjaka s Filozofskoga fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu koji su na temelju svojega dugogodiÅ”njega iskustva rada u obrazovanju budućih osnovnoÅ”kolskih i srednjoÅ”kolskih nastavnika prepoznali potrebu za njegovom izradom, s ciljem kontinuiranoga podizanja kvalitete studijskih programa koji uključuju nastavnu praksu. Vodič je nastao u sklopu projekta Učenje kroz rad i sustav upravljanja studentskim iskustvom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (2020. ā€“ 2023.) koji se financira iz Europskoga socijalnoga fonda. Namijenjen je svim mentorima nastavnicima, bez obzira na to koji nastavni predmet predaju. Cilj je vodiča afirmirati ulogu mentora koji rade sa studentima i koji su važna karika u obrazovanju nastavnikā. Naglasak je stavljen na opće vjeÅ”tine potrebne za mentoriranje, a ne na specifična znanja iz predmetnih metodika.Ovaj je vodič rezultat suradnje skupine stručnjaka s Filozofskoga fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu koji su na temelju svojega dugogodiÅ”njega iskustva rada u obrazovanju budućih osnovnoÅ”kolskih i srednjoÅ”kolskih nastavnika prepoznali potrebu za njegovom izradom, s ciljem kontinuiranoga podizanja kvalitete studijskih programa koji uključuju nastavnu praksu. Vodič je nastao u sklopu projekta Učenje kroz rad i sustav upravljanja studentskim iskustvom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (2020. ā€“ 2023.) koji se financira iz Europskoga socijalnoga fonda. Namijenjen je svim mentorima nastavnicima, bez obzira na to koji nastavni predmet predaju. Cilj je vodiča afirmirati ulogu mentora koji rade sa studentima i koji su važna karika u obrazovanju nastavnikā. Naglasak je stavljen na opće vjeÅ”tine potrebne za mentoriranje, a ne na specifična znanja iz predmetnih metodika